
凤凰城棒棒牛-118  12/16   426643  

一位来自洛杉矶的女孩Katherine 最近被发掘。这位聪明伶俐,及其可爱而又清新漂亮的华裔小女生,被选上美国真人秀节目“Child Genius”了!

 ?第一集已经在Lifetime 电视台于一月六日10/9c播出?了!以后每周二同一时间播一集!

虽然只是6年级的学生, 她当选过学校学生会主席,而且还是一位优秀的辩手!

Although Katherine excels at every subject, her favorite subjects are math, science and language arts. She is currently enrolled as a sixth grader, but is taking eighth grade math. She has won several math competitions at school at all levels: school, district, and Los Angeles County. Katherine was elected school president at her elementary school. She is passionate about the banning of animal testing, and can speak Chinese. Outside of school, she allocates her time to playing instruments such as the flute and piano. 

【Why she’ll win?】

Katherine is good at everything.

 During her first year of debate, her team got 11th place out of 50 teams in a middle school tournament. 

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